Teachers Achievements
Mr Baljit teaches Sanskrit to secondary students. He has been selected for receiving appreciation letter for producing greater PI than the KVS average PI for the session 2023-24 in class X. He has given 94.79 PI.
Mr Baljit
TGT Sanskrit
Mr Manjit Mann teaches Hindi to secondary students. He has been selected for receiving appreciation letter for producing greater PI than the KVS average PI for the session 2023-24 in class X. He has given 68.06 PI.
Mr Manjit Mann
TGT Hindi
Ashish N Sonule teaches English to secondary students. He has been selected for receiving appreciation letter for producing greater PI than the KVS average PI for the session 2023-24 in class X. He has given 61.22 PI
Mr Ashish N Sonule
TGT English