

    I am honored to work with an outstanding staff that cares deeply for students. We dedicate ourselves do our very best to ensure all of our students have an opportunity to learn and be successful in school. We strive to consistently provide meaningful learning activities and experiences for all of our students.
    Our curriculum is data driven and focuses on student achievement. We have high expectations for each student. We expect students to attend school regularly, put forth an effort in completing school credits, and respect the rights of each individual in our school. Additionally, we encourage Kendriya Vidyalaya Yavatmal students to display “PRIDE”, by being Purposeful, Responsible, Independent, Determined, and Educated—this helps provide the framework for individual and school success.
    Parents are always invited and encouraged to become visit our school and become involved with your child’s education. We sincerely believe that educating students is a team effort and that, together, we can make a positive difference in lives of students. We hope you enjoy learning more about us by visiting our web site. If you have comments or recommendations, you may contact me at 07232-241219.
    Kiran K Mendhe